Your ticket is very important for you as you prepare for your journey. Equally important is the boarding pass. The boarding pass is an entry pass that if you do not have, you might not be allowed access to the mode of transport, particularly an airline. There is a lot of information that is available on the boarding pass that will help the traveler get through the journey smoothly.
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How to get your boarding pass
There are a lot of security protocols at the airports today and for a good reason. It is important these days that you have your boarding pass with you at any given time when you are at the airport. Without the boarding pass, you might be denied entry into different concourses at the airport. Without the boarding pass, you will not even be allowed entry on the plane. There are two different ways for you to get your boarding pass, assuming that you have already paid for your ticket:
- Printing online
- Printing at the airport
Boarding Pass Templates
Printing your boarding pass online
Step 1
You have to log into your travel account anywhere between 12 and 24 hours before your flight is ready for departure. Different airlines have different rules, but generally, you should be able to check into the airline at least a day before or on the day you are supposed to travel. Today, most of the airlines will send you an email in good time, with information on when you will be able to check in.
Step 2
Enter your frequent flyer number or reference number and log in. Most of the information you need to log in should be available with the email you receive from your airline.
Step 3
Double check and make sure that the flight times and your seat are correct. Once you are logged in, you can see and confirm the itinerary. Before you proceed to checking in, ensure that all the information you have is accurate.
Step 4
Proceed to check in. You can also print your boarding pass. There will be instructions on-screen that are very easy to understand and follow.
Step 5
Print the boarding pass. Make sure you have enough ink on your printer and have the printing done to scale. Do not stretch or shrink the document.
Step 6
You can now show your boarding pass at different security checkpoints at the airport. In case you have baggage that has to be checked in, you will have to approach the support desk and they will also need to see your boarding pass before they can assist you.
Printing your boarding pass at the airport
Step 1
Look for the check-in desk or support desk at the airport, unique to your airline. You should have your official identification documents or the credit card that you used when purchasing your ticket with you.
Step 2
Some airlines have a self-service kiosk. When you are here, just swipe the card so that they can confirm your identity. There is usually no charge for this. In some kiosks, you can even swipe your passport. When you enter the reference number or your names, you should be able to see your itinerary.
Step 3
Select the seats you want. When you are here you can choose the seats you want, or you can even upgrade the seats you had earlier chosen if the ones you want are available.
Step 4
Confirm your baggage. Before you go through airport security, always make sure that you have your bags, and nothing has been tampered with. Check them again and then leave them with the airline staff.
Step 5
Go ahead through security. Make sure your boarding pass is out, same with your identification documents. These are the two important things you will need anywhere in the airport, and to proceed to the gate printed on your boarding pass for your flight. In a very big airport, especially international airports, you can easily get help if you cannot find your way when you show any of the support staff your boarding pass and gate.
Fake Boarding Pass Templates
Checking in online
Today a lot of airlines allow customers to check in online or through their mobile phones at least 24 hours before the flight departs. There are a number of reasons why you should strongly try this out, given that you can have your boarding pass ready at the same time. How does this help you in the long run? Why is it necessary that you check in online instead of waiting to do that at the airport? The following are some reasons why:
Skip lines
Traditionally, for you to check in at the airport, you will find a long line of passengers who were there before you, all waiting to be assisted for one reason or the other. During the peak seasons, the lines can be so long, and you would have to be at the airport earlier, not mentioning the time you would be wasting standing in line.
Assuming that you are traveling with kids, you can imagine how stressful and boring this can be for them. When you check in online before you come to the airport, you will even print your boarding pass, so you no longer have to stand in these queues. You can even check in all the bags you are traveling with, and pay for them. In case the option is available, you can use the curbside baggage drop-off point for your airline or their baggage kiosks.
Security access
No one wants to waste time at the different security checkpoints at the airport. By checking in early, you get to the security checkpoints faster. In fact, if you do not have any bags to check in, you will proceed straight to the final security checkpoints when you get to the airport. Take note that security checkpoints may or may not have a long line when you get there, so even if you check in online, you should still make sure you get to the airport in good time and allow yourself sufficient time to proceed with the security procedures before you are allowed into the waiting area.
Seat selection
You know how long your flight is, and for someone who has traveled so many times, you know which seats are comfortable or have better leg room. When you are checking in online, you are usually able to select the seats you want for your trip. To enjoy this when going through the traditional check-in process at the airport, you would have to arrive earlier and hope that the seats you want have not been taken already.
Save time
You waste a lot of time at the airport, queueing behind lines, some of which barely move. There is also the risk of a network breakdown when you are waiting to be served, and so many other challenges that you can avoid when you check in online and print your boarding pass before you come to the airport.
Event Invitation Boarding Passes
When it comes to boarding pass templates, you are not only limited to the pass you need to board a plane. There are other instances where a boarding pass will come in handy, especially where special invites are needed. There are people who push their creative limits in such a manner that they send out custom invitations to events. Some of the events where you might need a boarding pass include the following:
- Birthdays
- Wedding receptions
- Bachelor or bachelorette parties
- Baby showers
There is virtually an endless list of events where you can use a boarding pass template, and the only way you can have the best results is if you have a good template to work with, or if you are adept at design, and are willing to put in enough effort to get the design you want.
Even if you are using the templates, there are some information that you will find in almost all boarding passes. Some of the information that will be present include the following:
- Flight class
- Flight number
- Seat number
- Destination
- Date of travel
- Name of passenger
Even if the boarding pass you are printing is an invitation to a certain event, these details will still be creatively available.