Getting organized these days has evolved from letters, which were the older methods of communication, to using electronic mails or emails. People these days use emails because they are convenient and fast. Most businesses these days depend on emails to disseminate information. So, the next time you want to request for a meeting, you may want to try sending a meeting request email to those involved.

Meeting Request Emails

When do you need a meeting request email?

In business, there’s always a need to write messages informing clients of meetings or a request for one with the supervisor or manager. Sending meeting request emails is the quickest way to set up a meeting with the members of your own team. In whichever case, you may easily modify a schedule a meeting email sample to suit your own need.

But the main reason for sending a meeting request letter email in the context of business matters is to schedule a meeting. You can call it a meeting invitation letter too. The character and wordings of such an email depend upon who you’ll send it to and the purpose of the email which, in this case, is for a meeting request.

Schedule A Meeting Email Samples

Elements of a meeting request email

The personal or professional relationship between the sender and the recipient also affects the structure of the business meeting request email sample. However, you can take into consideration the following pointers to include the details of a meeting request email:

  • Your reason for requesting a meeting
    This statement should follow immediately after your salutation. Give emphasis on how important attendance is in the recipient’s interest.
  • Details about the meeting
    So as to prevent any confusion that may happen later on, you should properly specify the date AND the time of your requested meeting.
  • The venue of the meeting
    Even if you always have the venue of your meetings in one place, you still need to indicate the venue. Never assume anything on this matter.
  • The meeting’s suggested length
    How long you plan to hold the meeting affects the decision of the recipient on whether or not he will attend. Most people want to avoid lengthy meetings as it causes a negative impact on their productivity levels. It also goes without saying that long meetings tend to become boring.

Also, keep in mind when you write a schedule a meeting email sample, it should be well-written, simple, could be easily understood. Here are more details that you may include in your meeting request letter:

  • Ask for follow-up after your meeting
  • The benefits the recipients would obtain from attending the meeting
  • If you’re sending the email to your boss or a client, make sure that you have a flexible meeting schedule as it’s possible that they will have it adjusted to suit their own availability.

Give your business meeting request email sample importance because it is through this communication that you can display your professionalism and competence. Furthermore, since the email has now become an integral part of how businesses communicate, it’s only proper they should be skillfully written.

Business Meeting Request Emails

How to request a meeting via email?

There’s no question that managers are extremely busy people. However, that’s not reason enough not to meet regularly with their subordinates. The easiest way to notify team members on their regular meetings would be through meeting request emails. Although you’ve written the email in a very straightforward manner, here are tips for you when requesting a meeting via email:

  • The subject line of the email
    Make sure that the subject line highlights the subject you would want to have a meeting about. Make this direct and simple. Including an exact date can catch the interest if your recipients so they open your email and respond faster.
  • Request for the meeting
    Include your reason for the meeting and with your request to meet. Writing an email about this prepares your recipients about the reason for the meeting, what to expect from it, and how much time they must set aside for your meeting. Don’t include details of the proposed meeting, just an overview of what to discuss.
  • Allow for flexibility
    You can give a specific time and date for the meeting. But always anticipate the possibility of conflicting schedules. Keep in mind that bosses and clients may have different availability. You may need to adjust the time and date to suit their schedules.
  • Request for a reply
    Make sure that you ask a reply from your recipients when your goal for the meeting request email is to set up a meeting. Nagging for a response doesn’t sit well with though. Simply ask for a prompt reply to your schedule a meeting email sample.
  • Professionalism is important
    Always adapt a professional tone when sending an email even when the subject of your request email is something that upsets you. Always practice politeness and respectfulness. Doing otherwise sets a negative tone even before the meeting.

Tips for scheduling meetings apart from sending a meeting request email

Today’s work environments are totally different from those from decades ago. Earlier, the delineations between professional and administrative roles were very clear. You had secretaries who typed memos, fetched coffee, served lunch, and scheduled meetings for you.

But these roles have now changed. For instance, it’s not uncommon to ask an assistant manager to arrange a meeting without having to lose for him any degree of aptitude and respect. In the 60s, they considered this unthinkable. Today, it’s quite common.

When your superior asks you to create and send a business meeting request email sample, this doesn’t lower your role. Rather, it shows how competent you really are and that your boss knows and trusts you enough for such an assignment. But this honor has its price. When you’re in charge of such an administrative assignment, this can be very challenging.

Scheduling meetings can become a bane for many junior professionals. This role may not really be their field of expertise but is it really that hard? Coordinating schedules can at times be treacherous. Perhaps the first question that needs answering is, “Whose priorities should come first?”

Like in any client-oriented business, the client always comes first. When you deal with your team, together with service vendors or providers, then the person who holds the highest position in your company is the one who you prioritize.

If you’re a lawyer trying to acquire several managing partners for a single meeting, you’ll have to be very careful in dealing with them to make sure that you hold all three in the same regard. When in doubt, it’s better to ask your superior about who the most important person who will attend the meeting and whose schedule you should accommodate.

Offer your suggestions, if any, on what you believe the precedence order must be and why. When you have determined the hierarchy, you will have two choices for proceeding with your meeting request letter:

  • What works for you?
    It’s not uncommon to have two or more VIPs who may need priority accommodations. In such a case, begin researching with these persons’ assistants and ask several times what works for them. After doing this, consult with your team regarding the possibilities then ask them which of these would work best for everybody.
    Sometimes, you may just have to go with the decision of the majority. You can also circle right back them just to double-check if they cannot come to an agreement the first time you ask them.
  • Other times which work
    This second option involves querying your own team first, after which you contact any external participants or clients with a number of options on convenient times and dates. Here, you still place the priority party in the “driver’s seat” but you set the initial schedule for them. In your email, state that you’re messaging them as having the first selection of date and time.
    Of course, you have already spoken to the other participants to ensure that the options you gave also work for your own team. The only problem with this is that, if the other parties aren’t available on any of the schedules you mentioned, then you have to ask them to provide an alternative suggestion.
    If this happens, you and your whole team have to scramble to change or adjust your priorities so that you can meet the client’s needs. Even when you believe you have done everything to make your meeting eventuate, sometimes it just isn’t possible.

Lastly, here are a few more pointers to consider:

  • Don’t make the mistake of blindly asking all of the attendees for times which work for them. This is too open-ended and ambiguous. Offer your team ideas and options which they may respond to. This makes them check their schedules to make sure that the options you’ve suggested aren’t feasible.
  • Never commit to a time or date without first making sure that you have approval from the most important attendee of the meeting. Nobody wants to go back to their senior to inform them that their preferred time and date don’t work.
  • Don’t delete your emails. Make it a point to always save your emails on people’s availability. This ensures you have covered all your bases in case someone complains about or contradicts a time which they earlier approved.
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Tagged:BusinessEmailMeeting Request EmailsMeetings
TemplateLab April 29th, 2021