Because of the hectic schedules we follow each day, we forget to reserve some time off to thank our Heavenly Father for all the blessings He showers on us every day. But some people have found a way to always remember this obligation by using a prayer journal template. With this, you can always thank God no matter where you are and what time of the day it is.

Prayer Journal Templates

What is a prayer journal template?

A prayer journal template is a place where you keep a record of your prayers. You can even call it a prayer diary. Some prayer journal printables contain pre-made pages with Bible prompts or Scriptures you can use in your prayers. But with God, you really don’t have to go fancy. It’s all the same with Him whether you use a fancy journal or a simple one.

The purpose of a free prayer journal is the same – to help you develop a stronger prayer habit, to remind you what God has done for us, and to keep a record of all His goodness for generations to come.

When thinking of prayer journal ideas and choosing a journal, opt for one that makes you feel good. Choose something that you will want to read and write on regularly. It should make you feel comfortable and should have a physical appearance that motivates you to make use of it every day.

Prayer Journal Printables

Why do you need a prayer journal template?

Any type of prayer journal template will do when you use it for talking to or thanking God. Some prayer journal ideas can even be as simple as plain notebooks. You can even create your own prayer journal printables using applications on your computer. How you choose to record your prayers depends on your own personality. Whichever way you choose, here are some reasons why you need to start keeping your own prayer journal:

  • To keep you focused
    Your daily routines could be full of distractions that cause you to overlook the time you spend with God. Keeping journals can help you avoid distractions as they will keep you focused. When reading or writing in your journal, it would be less likely that you will notice other distracting things.
  • To slow you down
    When you rush through your conversations with God, you would rarely take the time to hear what He has to say. Writing your prayers requires you to take more time and, in such time, you may feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as you write.
    You may feel God getting close to you by making your time with Him more meaningful. This process may take longer than just running through your list quickly. But the precious time you spend writing your petitions and praises to Him may also just give God more chances to communicate with you.
  • To help you get more organized
    Remember the list from the last point? You can include this in our prayer journal for safekeeping. Often, we cannot just rely on your memories, especially as you grow older. You must record anything and everything of importance so you won’t forget them. Even when you use a free prayer journal, it can help you stay organized.
  • To make you accountable
    If you write your commitments every day in your prayer journal, there will be a greater chance that you will spend more time with our Lord. This statement isn’t meant to condemn you in any way.
    Prayer is more than the amount of time you talk to the Lord but a prayer journal is still a great way to maintain consistency. There may be times when you miss a few days or weeks of earnest prayers before God for any reason but this shouldn’t discourage you from returning to His fold.
  • To encourage you
    It’s always a blessing to look back on those times you called out to God and He answered your prayers. Record the answers down in your journal even when they aren’t the answers you expected. The Lord will always be there to encourage your soul, soothe your heart, and heal your wounds.
    Emulate one who wrote Psalm 77 and “recall His mighty works in your life and in the lives of His people.” Writing your prayers in your journal serves as a powerful expression of faith and worship. You do it mainly to glorify the Lord and in process, you become more fulfilled.

Free Prayer Journals

How to start a prayer journal?

Using a prayer journal template is a great way to record the most profound experiences and insights in your life. Although you may not hear the answers, God does speak to you and gives you valuable insight into life. Recording what transpires between you and God can bring order to everything that you do.

Thus, a prayer journal can help keep your life organized and your priorities right. Using prayer journal printables can also be an essential discipline in your prayer life to help you remember what blessings God has given to you. If you still don’t have a prayer journal, you can already start one with just a sheet of paper.

Prayer Journal Ideas

Always keep in mind that when journaling your prayers, you are also writing your dialogue with God so that you will always remember what and how God speaks to you. Here are a few ways to start using your prayer journal template:

  • Find a place to write in your journal
    You need to have a special place to do your journaling, after all, you’re talking to God. The place should make you feel comfortable and should be completely free of distractions. There really are no specific rules here. You can do this in your garden, your living room, your backyard, and more. The main point is to have a special place where you will feel more inspired and dedicated to stick to the task of prayer journaling.
  • Create a list of God’s attributes on the very first page of your prayer journal
    It’s always a good idea to start a prayer journal with praises to God. As the Scriptures say, “He loves to dwell in the praises of His people.” When you praise God, who is, indeed, worthy of all praises, He draws near and you become in awe of Him.
  • Start writing in your prayer journal
    You can write your journal in different ways. As you go along, God will always be there to give you creativity.
    Some sample entries you can write in your prayer journal include prayers, your dreams, poetry, your goals in life, burdens or struggles, joys, delights, songs, Scripture, letters, or anything else you want to say to God.
  • Maintain consistency without forcing yourself to do it
    You can record entries in your journal weekly, daily or as often as you need to. It will be up to you but make it a point to do this regularly. Never think of journaling as a duty or a heavy burden but rather as something that you want to do. Think of the journal as a friend who is here to help you in life and not to burden you with a responsibility.
  • Jot down your prayer requests and include the date
    When you do this, you can look back at your journal and recall how God has answered your prayers in the past. This reinforces your faith in prayer. It can also give you a reminder of the requests that may need more time.
  • Jot down the answers that God has given to your prayers
    Always remember to write down the answers to the prayers you have asked God even if they were not what you expected. These will always serve as a testimony of God’s goodness.
  • Express your thanks in your prayer journal
    Prayer journal templates generally have sections where you can give thanks to God and rejoice in His provision. This section can be particularly useful as it can encourage you to lift your heart to your Heavenly Father and away from your own situation.
  • Keep track of your progress in terms of your answered prayers
    When you have time, always review your prayer journal and see how it has helped you develop spiritually through the years. It may surprise you to know how it has helped in your spiritual progress and how God has made it all possible.
  • Listen to what God has to say to you and write everything down
    Look at your prayer journal in retrospect, especially in the quietest seasons of your spiritual life, then ask yourself the question: “How is God revealing Himself to me personally?” God answers our prayers, you only have to listen with faith.
  • Write down the Bible verses that have moved you, especially when you pray
    It is through the Scriptures that God will guide you in those crucial times when you need to make decisions. Through prayer journaling, God can help you see true growth in your life since you’re bringing the things affecting your life to God.
    With journals, you can see life with clarity through the Lord’s eyes. Just seek His help, give Him time, and he will answer your prayers. It’s essential to record and not miss the wisdom He wishes to share with us and you can do this to customized or free prayer journals.
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Tagged:BiblePersonalPrayer JournalsPrintableReligious
TemplateLab April 29th, 2021