What comes to mind when you read the term love letters? You may come up with feelings, honesty, romance, trust and his or her name, of course. Though the worth of written love notes has declined in this digital world, still they are important to some people. After all, when it comes to expressing emotions and feelings, a piece of paper is one of the best options for you to express your sentiments to someone you dearly love, you cannot live without and someone you are looking forward to having a future with.

Mature lovers who are deeply in love like showing and sharing it every time. Despite the social media trends nowadays, love notes can never lose their worth, especially for the ones who seek privacy and romance in private. Normally, girls like sending love letters to boyfriends because men like to be wooed but some guys, who know how much girls like receiving romantic love letters and respect their feelings, opt for the traditional trend and send love notes instead of expressing their love for them on social media.

There is no doubt that we are beyond the years of ink pots but writing love notes to your loved one is truly and irrefutably timeless. Here’s a detailed article on love letters if you are trying to impress your significant partner by sending them one.

Love Letters for Him

Understand What Love Letters Really Are

When one expresses their feelings for someone they love dearly in written form, it is called a love letter. They can be mailed, sent by a carrier or can be given to them physically. From a short and simple message of love to lengthy romantic messages, you can express your love in any way through an I love you letter. Though people nowadays use social media platforms to convey feelings and love, those who wish to stay unique opt for sending feelings and emotions in written form to the ones they love unconditionally and irrevocably.

Love Notes Have Not Gone Out of Fashion

Nowadays, couples either think that love notes are too old fashioned or are a girly thing. But wait guys, women are also required to be appreciated in every way. No doubt it is important to show your love for them through your actions in the first place, girls also like to feel those feelings in written from as well. Cute love letters to your wife, fiancé or girlfriend can make her smile all day long and feel special. Imagine the effort she is putting in to vacuum your house, always planning your birthday celebrations perfectly and saving hard to give you presents you desire.

Keeping all those efforts in view, it becomes important for guys to write love letters for her. Appreciate their acts of love in written because their brains are more language-oriented than yours, which would make them appreciate and love you even more. Also, men should pen down their feelings because they tend to feel emotional after reading written things as it tells them what’s in your heart.

That being said, we cannot ignore the fact that the rise of modern communication mediums is acting against the notion of writing love notes. However, specific love notes containing those feelings and emotions can never be replaced, duplicated or changed. Also, because love notes are in written form, we can touch, hold and feel them, physically feeling the presence of our lover. But one can never feel the same with the text messages, emails, social media posts etc.

Additionally, writing love letters for him can help you compile a history of all the love you have shared over time and a record of your relationship from the start to the end of your relationship. A person who loves you madly will surely ask for handwritten love notes. While messages, text messages, emails and chats can be deleted, love notes are one of the best things lovers can keep secure and close to their heart (until you break their heart and they wish to burn all of them). This is quite common, especially when guys write love letters to girlfriends.

Furthermore, people often think that love notes should only be written by people who are far away. People, you need to decode this in your minds that you should continuously show love to your loved ones, even if they sleep by your side every day. Despite the distance, a love letter is the perfect fit for any type of relation. It is simple; it is just a way to express your feelings in a very passionate way than you do on a daily basis and through your actions.

Love Letters for Her

You must Pen Down Your Feelings when ….

Genuine and sincere lovers have no special reason and occasion to show their gratitude and love for their significant partner. It is true that they do not wait for special occasions to express themselves; every time is the same to them. However, if you do not write love notes to your partner regularly, then there are certain times and occasions when you must pen down your feelings for your significant partner to let them know how you feel about them.

It’s Your Relationship Anniversary!

Relationship anniversaries can be one of the most memorable occasions for couples, especially girls. If you are a guy, you would agree to this that they never forget this date. If you are a forgetful boyfriend, then you may have to go through this or your girlfriend might help you in recalling the first things you guys did together. No matter how many times you guys have fought, you both love each other unconditionally; hence, you would have also built a lot of memories together.

Now that you have spent a year or years together, it is time to write down all your feelings in a love note. Relationship love notes should cover a brief history of your relationship (the highlights) and how you much your love has grown over the years. Also, ensure to make your significant partner special by giving them this letter to make them smile and probably, they will get tears of joy after reading what you have to say.

You are in a Long Distance Relationship

Sadly, long distance relationships require most strength and are the most difficult relationships to be in. Imagine how you would feel when you do not get to see and feel your lover for years and ages? That feeling sucks, seriously! But then again, it brings lovers close to each other and makes them feel each other’s worth.

When you do not get to feel your lover for years, a handwritten love letter can be the best thing which makes them feel close to you. They have written feelings for you and they have written your name; what can be better than feeling their warmth through their kind words? Show your love to your long distant significant partner and make them realize how much you miss them and how you cannot wait to see them.

It’s Your Partner’s Birthday!

This one should be the common note that you may be sending to your loved one. But if you have not sent it with the birthday gift, then you should write it and attach it with the gift. Sincere lovers value written love notes more than the gifts you give them on their birthdays. They would value your feelings and gifts even more if you attach a birthday note to it. In this love letter, you can tell them how much you adore them by wishing and praying for their wellbeing.

You are Just Feeling Romantic

Love letters are actually meant to express love and romantic feelings for your lover. While there may not be some special reason to write love notes to your beloved partner, you can write romantic love letters to them too. Such a letter normally contains words which show how madly you love them and desire to have them in your life. Moreover, if you two are planning to get married soon, you can share your future plans with them and show your faithfulness to them. Also, if you thank them for coming into your life, that would be a great add-on to romantic love letters.

You Want to Patch Things Up After a Fight

As they say, love is incomplete without fights. If you are possessive about your lover, you may fight with them, even on small matters. Though being understanding is also important in a relationship, fights keep the relationship going. They are actually proof that your partner does care for you and what you do concerns them. In fact, it is a red flag if partners do not fight at all as it probably means that they are not serious.

Sincere lovers do fight but cannot stay far away from their lover for long; hence, they are willing to patch things up quickly. But often, it is seen that partners feel hesitant to patch up after a fight. If you feel so, you should not let things go to such lengths as it would increase the distance between you both. Instead, send them an apologetic note to dissolve the issue. Make them realize that they do matter to you and if you write about how you cannot stay mad at them and away from them for long, they can turn out to be the sweetest apologetic notes.

I Love You Letters

How to Write a Love Letter

Often, people ask about how to write a love letter. According to love experts, the key to writing love notes is to write the feelings and emotions that directly come from your heart. When you love someone dearly, you do not give a thought to what you write. Positive thoughts and loving emotions come naturally to you and all you need to do is grab a paper and pen the feelings down. Love notes can be dramatic as well as simple; it all depends upon your feelings.

If you wish to make a love note more effective, you can add in personal photos of your special memories and some personal touches to it. Also, if you want them to feel you in the letter, adding a little perfume that they like can be a great addition too. Along with the cute and romantic things you add in your love note, it is really important for you to say things that are in your heart so that when your partner reads them, they feel and find them to be a true representation of your love. Also, if they find it really nice, they would also send you a reply in return.

Ideas for Love Notes

Writing a simple love note can be boring. How about adding things in them to make them livelier! Here are some ideas to make your love letter sound more interesting to your partner.

  • You can add small details in the letter, such as adding perfume, hearts, pictures and in general, making it look crafty, to make it appear more meaningful. Your partner will feel more appreciated and attracted towards it if you have worked hard on writing and styling it.
  • If you are short of words, it is okay. You need not worry about that. You can always add quotes in your letter but make sure it goes with your feelings. Choose a quote that expresses your feelings and reminds them of you and is somehow related to your memories.
  • You should never worry about the length; just write what you want to say to your partner, even if it takes more than five pages. Of course, your genuine partner would love it when it is written by their soul mate.
  • When you write a love note to your loved one, you should not worry about how it looks like, especially if you have bad hand writing. Sincere lovers always appreciate the effort you put in writing the note; they do not judge your handwriting.
  • In the end of the love letter, you can always add about exchanging love letters with your partner. In fact, you can ask them to make it a ritual, especially if you are in a long distance relationship. This can be a great idea to feel your partner in their absence.

Romantic Love Letters

Love notes are one of the best ways to express love, feelings and emotions for your loved one. Romantic love letters can also stimulate love between partners. If you want to send love notes to your loved ones, you can download free love letter templates from our main website and bring a smile on your beloved partner’s face, making them feel beautiful!

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Tagged:Love LetterPersonal
TemplateLab April 29th, 2021