The success of any business is mainly tied to its employees. Both the managers and their teams should work as one unit. The team managers play an important role in ensuring each team member is doing their part correctly. They should be available to support the member through their work challenges and victories. Most managers who succeed in their role are those who engage with their team members. They listen to each employee and share feedback. By mastering the one-to-one meeting, every manager can learn how to involve their employees in productive meetings.

One to One Meeting Templates

One to One Meeting with Manager Template
One to One Meeting with Manager Template Download for Excel One to One Meeting with Manager Template Download for Word One to One Meeting with Manager Template Download in PDF

What is one on one meeting?

One-on-one meetings are meetings arranged between team leaders and their members. The team’s leaders can be a business manager, team coach, mentor, or peer leader. The main purpose of the meetings is to offer support to the team members and get feedback. In the workplace, the managers use an employee one-on-one meeting template to arrange important agendas of the meeting.

Employee One On One Meeting Templates

Who benefits from a one-on-one meeting?

The manager is the leader of the team, and they give feedback to their leaders or business owners. On the other hand, the employee requires support to deliver the best services. Both the manager and the employee get several benefits from a one-on-one meeting. The details contained in the employee one on one meeting template should be for the benefit of both. These are the main benefits of one on ones.

  • Improved relationship between managers and their teams. Naturally, human beings have an inner desire to be appreciated and validated. Employees want to know if their contribution to the company is making any difference. During one-on-one meetings, the manager confirms to them that their role in the company is important. They confirm to them that their concerns and insights are appreciated.
  • The employees enhance productivity. One of the agendas that should be in the employee one-on-one meeting template is to get an overview of the current employment situation and progress. By letting them freely share information, the employees feel their role is important. They improve their commitment which boosts productivity.
  • The manager creates a loyal team. One-on-ones help managers build trust with their team. By making the meetings frequent, the manager builds trust with employees. By trusting the manager’s leadership, the team will not fear sharing information.
  • Everyone benefits. The manager and their team member discuss expectations, needs, and goals. On the other hand, the manager gives attention to the employees. They share insights with them, give direction and make issues clear. Due to this, the manager, employees, and the entire company benefit.
  • It’s the best way to get personalized feedback. Sometimes feedback can make employees feel uncomfortable. One-on-one meetings provide the ideal opportunity to give feedback. You can let them know their performance and your expectations without complicating issues.

What issues must be discussed in a one-on-one meeting?

When preparing your manager one on one template, you must be keen on the issues that need to be discussed with your team. These are issues that will not make them uncomfortable. You should help them feel at ease and share freely. Here are some questions the manager can include in the manager one on one template.

  • What is happening to the employee as an individual?
  • What is happening with their work?
  • What things do they need to understand?
  • How the manager can be of help to them

If there are issues that are not clear, the manager should take the chance to make them clear. There could be fresh ideas from the employees or important opportunities. The manager should be keen to note them. He should give reassurance to the employees that they will get support and that their ideas and concerns will be considered.

There are important points that need to be in the manager one on one template. They will help create orderly and meaningful one-on-one meetings.

  • The manager should give more focus to building and maintaining a positive relationship with their workers
  • There should be a focus on developing the career and personal needs of the worker.
  • Positively, the manager should support employees for individual accountability.
  • They should provide actionable advice
  • There should be clarity on all issues touching on expectations, progress, and employee intentions.

Manager One On One Templates

What makes a good one on one meeting?

Some of the most productive meetings you can ever have with your employees are one on one meetings. They provide a special time where a manager dedicates time to listening to employees. They understand how the workers are doing or feeling in their current work tasks. It gives managers a chance to build stronger relationships with employees.

To make the one-on-one meetings meaningful, the manager should create a supervision meeting template that will help them meet the following goals.

Take advantage of the benefits of the meeting

One-on-one meetings have a lot of benefits to the manager, employee, and the business at large. It is during the meetings that the manager builds trust, gets and gives feedback, and gives advice where necessary. The meeting is the best time for the employee to show their work to the manager.

It is the best time to leverage these benefits and create meaningful opportunities for the employees. Sometimes an employee might not be productive because of issues affecting them back home. It is an opportunity for the manager to give moral support to them. When they notice an employee who needs training, it is a good time to arrange for training.

Schedule meeting often

The manager should not create a supervision meeting template for annual meetings. He should create as many meetings as possible. Most managers schedule weekly one-on-one meetings, although some schedule bi-weekly meetings. In the supervision meeting template, have a time breakdown of the issues to be discussed. You can have an example of a schedule as follows.

  • 15 minutes: Discuss employee issues
  • 15 minutes: Discuss manager issues
  • 10 minutes: Have open time discussions
  • 5 minutes: Have accountability discussions

It is important to agree with your employees about the meetings instead of making all scheduling yourself. It makes both parties feel involved. They own the meeting, which makes them happy.

Sometimes holding the meetings away from the office environment gives more space for free discussions. The manager may create the agenda in the supervision meeting template and then delegate so that every employee becomes empowered.

Get the agenda ready in advance

Do not wait until the last minute to prepare your supervision meeting template. Instead, create enough time for preparing the agenda. This strategy helps you get things ready in advance. You will look organized and will save lots of energy. It is always good to involve the employees during agenda preparation. Let them give ideas on the topics or ideas to discuss.

It is best to avoid engaging in project management discussions and status updates

It is not in the best interests of the employees to discuss project management issues and status updates. The discussions should strictly be geared toward the employee and how they are managing work tasks. It is best to limit the discussions within these questions.

  • What is it that is working for you?
  • What is it that is not working for you?
  • What are your expectations?
  • What feedback do you have?
  • What help can I offer to help you work better?

Explain to your team how you value the one-on-one meetings

What you are looking for is to make the employees feel they are part of the meetings. You want them to be enthusiastic about themselves and take part. Due to this, explain to them how important the meetings are to you and them.

Help them understand why they should attend the meetings. Even if it means repeating the explanation in every meeting, do it until the employees see the importance. Be real about the issues and avoid making up your points. The employees will notice you are not real and may ignore the meetings.

Career development is an important issue to discuss

Do not forget to include the issue of career development in your supervision meeting template. It is a great opportunity to hear from your employees what they expect in terms of career development.

Your employees might not talk about their career development goals if you haven’t created with them stronger, trusting relationships. When they get chances to grow their career, the company benefits too.

Do not cancel the one-on-one meetings

Your employees need to see how committed you are to the meetings. The best practice is never to cancel a meeting or skip it. You should reschedule for another time during the day. If you start canceling or skipping meetings, the employees will take it as dishonesty or noncommitment. They, too, will start to lose commitment, and soon, there will be no more meetings.

Share feedback

Create time to share feedback but do it constructively. The feedback should not come from the manager only but from the employees too. It should not be used as a means to criticize. Instead, it should be the time to help each other improve.

The manager should focus on the project at hand and not on the employee. Avoid words such as “you didn’t do or you did.” Instead, focus on words such as “this is the impact I saw.”

Supervision Meeting Templates

How do you structure a one-on-one meeting?

Due to the benefits one on one meetings provide to both the employees and managers, the manager should understand how to create an effective meeting agenda. The one-on-one meeting agenda should be structured in a way that everyone is engaged. This is how you should structure your one-on-one meetings.

  • Make it an employee’s meeting and not a manager’s meeting

The first thing to acknowledge is that the meeting belongs to the employees and not the manager. 90% of the meeting time should focus on the employees, while 10% of the meeting time should focus on the manager.

Start with the employees by letting them set the meeting tone. Let them address their concerns and ask their questions first. Let the employees talk more, and you talk less. When you use the 9/1 one on one meeting structure, you will talk 10 percent of the time while your employees talk 90 percent of the time.

  • Use the five key areas approach

The five key areas approach helps you learn the team dynamics and establish their priorities. To achieve this goal, begin by asking the employees about their lives as individuals. Break the tension by asking questions about their personal life.

  • How was your weekend?
  • How is your family?
  • What was the most exciting thing you did this weekend?

This is how the five key areas approach works.

  • Start with general engagement

General engagement means you ask the employees how they feel about their work tasks. Find out how they are managing the workload. Find out which tasks they are excited about. Ask them how you can be of help to become more effective.

  • Team dynamics

Team dynamics is the healthy or unhealthy relationships the employees might have with each other. Find out any suggestions they might have that will make the teams work better collaboratively. At this point, try and uncover unhealthy relationships and get their remedy later.

  • Projects and priorities

This section is not about getting one on one updates about projects but about working effectively to manage priorities. You don’t want to burden the workers with workloads or too many demands. Communicate for better results and workload management.

  • Career opportunities and goals

Do not leave out in your one-on-one meeting agenda the issue of career growth and goals. Find out from the employees what personal values they have that will help them grow career-wise. You may create a list that defines the employee’s roles, the skills they have currently, and the skills they need to work better. List whom they should learn from.

  • Feedback

Include in your one-on-one meeting agenda a time for feedback. Create within the company culture of feedback. It is important to get direct feedback about how you are doing as the manager. Give a direct report too about how the employees are doing but do it positively.

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Tagged:AgendaBusinessEmployeeMeetingOne to One Meetings
TemplateLab November 19th, 2023