Name tags can be used for a wide range of purposes. They can be used to identify students in a classroom or guests in an event. Some people hang them on their belongings during travel for ease of identification. During conferences, name tags are placed on desks to help facilitators call attendees by their names instead of having to keep asking them. The tags come in all types of shapes, sizes, and colors. A printable name tags template is useful when creating DIY name tags.
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Name Tag Templates

Name tags can be used by any type of institution or organization you can ever think about. They can be used by organizations such as:
- Faith-based organizations
- Corporate organizations
- Learning institutions
- Event planners
- Government organizations
- NGOs
- Retails stores
- Security companies
Their main purpose is for identification, although they can be used for many other purposes.
- Identification. The main purpose organizations use name tags is for identification. For example, think about a shopper entering a large retail store. It’s their first time, and they don’t know where to get the item they want. Their first reaction would be to look for someone with a name tag. Immediately they will know the person is a worker there, and they will ask them for help. They can even call them by their name because the worker’s name is printed on the name tag. It is easier to use editable name tag templates that make it easy to enter the worker details and print. It makes it easy to edit the design or corporate colors.
- Security. Another major use of name tags is improving security within an organization. For example, think about someone visiting the premises of a large delivery company. The company might have more than 5,000 workers. It becomes harder for the workers or managers to know every workmate. It is even harder for them to know who is a visitor or employee. If the visitor has a name tag, it is easy to assist them. When no one in the company has a name tag, security within the premises can get compromised. Anyone with a bad motive can enter and harm people, steal, or do anything they want. Workers can easily identify each other and collaborate to improve productivity. They can easily identify visitors and assist them. No one will feel uncomfortable when they see someone who looks strange to them.
- Improving customer service. Making employees visible by providing them with nametags enhances customer service. Customers cannot feel stressed or lost trying to identify who will help them. When a customer easily identifies someone who will assist them, they feel welcome to the organization. They will leave satisfied and will feel comfortable visiting the organization for services many more times. The management should identify a badge template that looks attractive both to the workers and customers.
- Brand promotion. Organizations can use any type of badge template that will serve their needs. One of the main needs is to promote corporate image or brand. They choose printable name tags that can be edited to insert the company logo. They also use company colors which improves branding. Whenever a customer sees the tag, they immediately identify the brand. It is one unique way of marketing the company wherever the workers go, whether for deliveries, marketing, or other company activities. The company or organization needs to identify its unique name tag design that will promote its brand.
- Promoting employee accountability. Apart from promoting branding and improving security, name tags promote employee accountability. The name tag design is designed in a way that it has the organization logo and employee name. This has a significant positive psychological effect on workers. When they know someone can easily identify them by their name, they become careful with their actions or language. Without the badge, they can speak rudely to a customer and get away with it. They may deny and insist it was not them, and the customer might not have a way to prove it was them. It is impossible to deny when their name is visibly displayed on the tag, and they will be careful with accountability.
The organization should choose editable name tags and bold the name to make it visible.
The uses of name tags can be listed as follows:
- Enhancing employee accountability
- Improving security in an organization
- Improving customer service
- Identification of workers and visitors
- Promoting brands
Name Badge Templates

No organization cannot use name tags due to the benefits they bring. They are easy to design using a preferred name tag design. Any of these organizations can use name tags.
- Event planners. Event planners do a lot of work to ensure events go on smoothly. They may be granted the freedom to choose the event location and to ensure everything is available. They hire an entertainment team and caterers and coordinate every moving part. Most events bring together people from different organizations, cultures, and countries. Although they are brought together by one goal, they might not have met before. It is important to know who is attending the event and who should not be present. It is important to note key guests such as the main speakers. The event organizer is given the names of the people attending and how they will sit. They get good designs for printable name tags and prepare a tag for everyone.
- Educational institutions. Educational institutions have a large population of students, teachers, and support staff. The institutions receive visitors often, such as parents, suppliers, contractors, and leaders from the education department. The institutions require a high level of security, and it is important to know who is within the compound or premises. The institution may use more than one badge template to identify students, teaching staff, support workers, and visitors.
- Companies. The main purpose of companies is to effectively serve customers for enhanced profitability. Some companies grow large enough to employ thousands of customers. Name tags are important to a company, no matter how small or big it is. The company should choose editable name tags that are easy to edit and print.
- Delivery companies. Delivery companies manage large teams of delivery drivers and warehouse workers. It is necessary that customers at home and offices easily identify the workers who deliver orders to their doors. This enhances security in homes and promotes brand recognition.
- Security companies. Security companies provide services to homes, companies, NGOs, and a host of many other organizations. Name tags play a vital role in these companies. Both customers and workers should easily identify the security person at their door, premise, or gate all the time.
- Religious organizations. Religious organizations employ support staff and clergy to help manage them. Some of them may have members exceeding 1000, and they must identify the person who can assist them when they help.
- NGOs and governmental organizations. NGOs and governmental organizations serve the public or people from all walks of life. Some of the organizations employ a large number of workers. Printable name tags are a good choice for such organizations because they are easy to use.
Name Tag Designs
The main type of information in a name tag is the name of the wearer and the organization they work for. Some types of name tags do not display the wearer’s name but instead display their position or designation. Some other types carry the name and designation, while others only display the nickname of the wearer.
What to display or not display on the tag is entirely dependent on the company’s discretion. Name tags are made using different types of materials. What is important is to choose the right name tag design.
- Magnetic name tags. Magnetic name tags are common in companies, cocktails, and fundraiser events. They have a metallic and magnetic strip at the back. The magnet is placed inside the wearer’s garment to hold the tag in place. The tag doesn’t damage the fabric and is easy to use. Their cost is higher compared to other types of name tags. The badge template for magnetic name tags is not different from what is used for designing other types of tags.
- Sticker name tags. Sticker name tags are the most cost-effective. The designer only needs to choose a good printable name tags template, design them, and print them on stickers. The sticker material should be the type that will not stain clothes and one that will be easy to wash. The user peels the back to expose the sticker and sticks it on the cloth. They are mostly made for one-time use and then disposed of.
- Lanyards. Lanyards are a good choice when an organization is printing name tags for their workers. They are durable and easy to use at any time. The lanyard is good for branding because the company logo and name can be printed on it. A name tag holder is required.
- Clip-on name tags. The clip-on name tag has a small clip at the back that is used to attach the tag to the clothes. It can be clipped on the shirt/blouse pocket or the buttonhole. Some of them have a clip and a pin for the user whose tops have no pocket or button holes. The organization should choose a name tag design that will look attractive.
- Pinned name tags. Pinned name tags are a good choice for use during events. The user pins the tag on the cloth, and it holds safely for the rest of the day. Some users might not be comfortable with the small hole the pin leaves on the fabric, but it disappears after a short time.
How do I create a name tag template in Word?
When you need to create name tags fast, using Word is the easiest way. It is easy to choose your preferred badge template from Word and create editable name tags with ease. The name tag design in Word is good when creating tags for seminars, events, conferences, and many other uses. Follow these simple steps.
- Open MS Word on your computer. On the top left, click on the file, select new, and then click on the new document. A blank document will open. Name the document and click save. Choose the location to save your document and save.
- The top part of the document shows the name of your document. Below are the tabs which start with the File, then Home, Insert, and end with Help. Mailings are after References and before Review. Go to the Mailings tab and check on the top left under creating, click labels. A small window will open titled Envelopes and Labels.
- Click on the options button at the bottom of the dialogue box. The options allow you to adjust your printable name tag design as you wish.
- Check the part titled Label Information on the options dialogue box. Below it, you will see Label Vendors. Click on it to open a drop-down menu. From the menu, choose the label brand you want. These can be Asia Pacific, Avery Labels, and so on.
- Choose the product number of your labels. Product Numbers are located below the Label Vendors. It contains different options such as ½ letter, ¼ letter, 30 pages, and so on. It should have a 5-digit code which you can select from the option you choose.
- Once you have selected the options, click ok, and the dialogue box will close. Make sure you confirm that all the details displayed on the left side of the dialogue box are what you have selected. If it is in order, click ok, and the box will close.
- Now click New Document on the labels box. A new document containing the specific details you selected will open. Type the information you want, such as names, designations, titles, numbers, and so on. You can change the fonts and colors or add images to the editable name tags.
- The final step is to print your name tags. To print, choose the paper you want to use. On the Word document, click on File and then print. Select your printer settings and then click print. Make sure the printer is well connected.