The birth of your baby is definitely going to be one of the most memorable, joyful and life changing experiences of your life. Throughout these 9 months, you may be spending time thinking about how you are going to dress them up, what are you going to make them eat and think about all the things they may ask of you.
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Similarly, devising a birth plan for your baby will make you write down the important stuff and will help you prioritize. Though some people consider it to be a waste of time, in reality, it is important to formulate.
If you want to know interesting information about a birth plan, keep reading this article.
Birth Plan Templates
What Exactly is a Birth Plan?
A birth plan is basically a written document that makes your medical advisor and team know about your preferences and choices regarding the baby’s birth. They are sort of instructions to the medical team which represent and enlighten them of your choices. Thus, as you cannot control what happens during labor and delivery, you can always stay flexible on certain things by formulating a birth plan. Also, when you have a printed and written birth plan in the form of a document, it makes things happen your way.
Moreover, a written birth plan refreshes everything you told to your medical team when you are in the labor room. In addition to this, those who are new to the experience of going through labor, such as nurses and other staff, can also get to know what type of things you would want in when in labor. Along with this, several credible hospitals ensure to provide you a birth plan worksheet highlighting the policies and strategies for child birth. You can always make amendments in it or form your own birth plan using a birth plan template for your preferred birth options.
The plan will provide an effective avenue for the communication of important details with the people responsible. However, you should not forget to remain reasonably flexible in your desires because often, things do not go according to plan.
Birth Plan Examples
Key Elements to Highlight in the Birth Plan Template
Here are the things that you should highlight in the birth plan template.
Birth Place
The first thing that should be decided in a birth plan is the place you would like to give birth at. Normally, the birth place is the hospital. Also, a hospital has several birthing rooms with quipped facilities and all the necessary amenities. Often, some people consider birthing centers or even their own house for birth. It is convenient to choose hospitals and birthing centers as they have the necessary facilities compared to your own home.
Labor Environment
The birth plan should also contain the details about the labor environment. Ladies should mention what they would like to have in their labor room. They may desire an attached bathroom, shower, a music player, television and other stuff. Also, they can talk about the moment of the delivery, such as keeping the lights dim, not allowing any male staff to come in, if they would like to have someone in the labor room etc.
Presence in the Labor Room
The next thing which is considered very important to be mentioned in a birth plan is the number of people they would like to accommodate in the room. Often, women only prefer their husbands to stay in the room. However, some soon-to-be-moms also like their mothers to be with them to console them. Women have several options in this regard; mothers, spouse, labor coach, doula, other family members, friends etc.
Birthing Position or Apparatus
Women need to be very comfortable when delivering a baby. Therefore, there are several birthing apparatuses and positions they can choose from. The birthing bed is one of the common options which women choose. They are kind of special beds used during delivery and labor. They can easily raise their back and adjust themselves the way they want. If they do not find it appropriate, they can also opt for a birthing chair. They are types of stools and chairs that are especially designed for pregnant women, allowing them to be in a squatting shape and position. This allows women to put more pressure and make the delivery process easier.
Moreover, along with the birthing chairs and bed, there are some other positions too, such as side lying, kneeling, lying down, squatting and on all fours. Among all these positions, women often opt for the squatting position as they are supported from the bed which shortens the birth canal and makes the delivery process easier. However, the all fours position, when the women faces downwards and uses her knees and hands to rest on the upper section, actually eases the backache. Depending upon the ease, women choose the birth apparatuses and birth positions.
Sample Birth Plan
Ideal Child Birth
In this section, you are going to write about which child form of birth is ideal for you. Hospitals offer a variety of options in this regard, such as pain relief medication, no pain relief medication, continuous external fetal monitoring, intermittent external fetal monitoring, no episiotomy, episiotomy or a cut in the umbilical cord. These forms of child birth should be understood properly first by your labor coach of the hospital you have consulted and only then should you opt for any one of them.
Postpartum Option
This is the time when you have to decide what you will like to do after the birth of the baby. Just like you have several options available in other things, you have number of options in this regard too. You can either allow your baby to undergo the circumcision process, umbilical cord blood donation, permit the medical team to put the baby in the nursery, delay the arrival of baby until after you are recovered, put the baby in the partial room, put your baby with you in the same room and much more.
A birth plan is really very important to create. Therefore, if you want to avoid confusions, it is better to decide things beforehand in the birth plan. Download birth plan templates now from our main website to save your time writing down all the details.