Whether you need to keep the official score for a baseball game or just like keeping track of the score at a game you are watching, this printable baseball score sheet is a cheap and easy way to have a baseball score sheet on hand when wanted. This template will need to be printed twice, one set of sheets for each team, for every game you plan on keeping score. This baseball scoring sheet provides you with enough space to keep track of every play and substitution in most games. This template enables you to keep track of hitting, fielding and pitching for one team per page.
Table of Contents
The Batting Page
You will notice that for the batters, there are three groups of columns: the lineup, the game log and the totals. While the first section that we will fill out is the lineup, it is important to pay attention to the squares of the game log as you will want one lineup slot for each row of squares. Most baseball score sheets will have multiple lines for each row of squares for substitutions like pinch hitters or pinch runners. Before the start of the game, you will want to fill in the batting lineup, as well as uniform number and fielding position. As well, you will want to put the lineup on the opposing team’s pitch tracker as well as the pitcher’s name.
Baseball Score Sheet
For the game itself, the middle column of this baseball scoring sheet has at least nine columns, one for each inning of a standard baseball game. After the team at bat records their third out, you will put a mark on the lower right corner of the box for the last hitter and then shift to the next inning for the next batter. As extra innings are possible in the case of a tie, it is advisable to have extra sheets available if needed.
For the gamelog, you will need the following abbreviations and shorthand to ensure that you have consistent and concise notes for the game.
2B or two lines below home plate – double
3B or three lines below home plate – triple
HR or a circle around the diamond – home run
BB – base on balls (walk)
E(number) – Reached by error by (position)
F(number) – flied out to (position)
FC – fielder’s choice
FO(number) – fouled out to (position)
IF – infield fly called
HBP – hit by pitch
K – strikeout
Reversed K – struck out looking
StB – stolen base
CS – caught stealing
SB – sacrifice bunt
SF – sacrifice fly
As well, you will need to use the following numbering system for fielding positions:
1 – pitcher
2 – catcher
3 – first base
4 – second base
5 – third base
6 – short stop
7 – left field
8 – center field
9 – right field
If you are playing with more than nine field players, start with 10 for the extra player. Although as long as you keep the numbering consistent you could give an extra infielder 7 and start the outfield at number 8.
Pitch tracking page
For the pitch tracking sheet, you will notice a section for a lineup, a section for pitch tracking and a third set of column on the right for totals. Some score keepers will print a sheet for each pitcher, and even you use the same sheet for a team’s pitchers, in case of a blowout, you may want an extra sheet available to track pitchers in case there are a lot of hitters faced.
The middle section of the pitch tracking sheet will have several columns of boxes with each box sectioned off into three rows, one of balls, strikes and the result of the at bat. While on the game log, you will move to the next column each inning, for pitch tracking, you will fill each hitter one below other, only moving over once you get to the next turn for the first hitter in the line up.
For the pitch tracking section, you may want a system to note each pitch type thrown (for example, 1 or F for fastball, 2 or CB for curveball, 3 or CU for changeup, etc.), although it is not necessary and you can use the boxes for each at bat to track balls and strikes with tally marks in rows b and s (balls and strikes). Once the at bat has a result, whether an out or hit, you notate that one the result line. As well, you can use the result line for extra trikes if there are several pitches fouled off in an at bat.
For the pitching results, you have a little more room to fill out a result, but you will still want to use the following shorthand and abbreviations in order to get information written down quickly:
BB – base on balls (walk)
CS – caught stealing
E(number) – error (by position)
ER – earned run
H – hit (or you can use 1B, 2B, 3B or HR for each level of base hit)
HP or HBP – hit by pitch
K – strike out
PK – pick off
SAC – sacrifice bunt or hit
As well, you will want to use the same position numbering you are using for the batting section, although you do not necessarily need the same level of detail, which will be explained later.
Baseball Score Sheet Templates
The Fielding Page
While not as necessary as the hitting and pitching pages, the fielding page of this baseball score sheet can be helpful when tabulating post-game statistics. When looking at this page, you will notice that there are four columns, one for player names, and a column each for put outs, assists and errors. This section usually requires just tally marks, so notation is fairly self-explanatory.
Scoring batting
For each at bat, you will want to record the result in as much detail as possible. While most score sheets have very much beyond a diamond within the box representing each at bat, with the abbreviations and shorthand we mentioned above and a few other markings, you can create detailed notes for a game.
If the hitter gets a base hit, you can put the type of hit (single, double, triple or home run) in the lower right corner of the box and mark over the diamond to the base reached. If the base hit drives in runs, you can note that in the lower left corner, preferably with tally marks for each run hit in by the batter. As well, a line from home plate or a dot can show where the base hit landed, using the diamond to represent the infield and beyond it for the outfield.
If a player draws a walk or is hit by pitch, you would note that in the lower right corner and then draw a line from the lowest corner of the diamond to the right corner.
For any runners that are on base for an at bat, you will want to keep track of their movement on the bases. This is done by drawing the bases advanced by highlight each side of the diamond corresponding to the point reached. If the player advanced by a stolen base, wild pitch or passed ball, you can note that for the baserunner and you can show it on the hitter the event occurred in one of the upper two corners of their at bat by writing SB, WP or PB (or CS if the player is caught stealing or picked off) and the player’s uniform or position number who advanced.
If a batter records an out, depending on the out, there are several different ways to note this. If the hitter strikes out, you put a K in the middle of the diamond, with some scorekeepers reversing the K if the batter struck out on a called third strike. If the batter grounds out, you would write the number of the position the ball was hit to, add a dash and then the position of the player recording the out. For example, if a player hits a ground ball to the second baseman, who throws it to first base to record the out, you would write 4-3. You would record every player touching the ball before an out. Therefore on a double play where the shortstop fields the ball, throws it to second base for a force out with the second baseman throwing to first base for the second out, you would note that as DP 6-4-3 on the hitter’s square and 6-4 on the runner’s box, with a line crossing the base path before the base he was forced out at. If there is a run down, you would put down the number of each position player who touched the ball, creating the possibility of a long string of numbers!
In the situation that a runner is forced or tagged out, but the batter reaches first base safely, a fielder’s choice is ruled and you would note the out on the runner’s box, but would put FC on the batter’s box with a highlight to first base. As well, most scorekeepers will put a circle around 1, 2 and 3 to represent each out in an inning.
For fly and foul outs, you would use the position number of the player who recorded the out. Almost every scorekeeper will put some sort of notation if it was a foul out, and many will put an F in front of the player making the out on a fly or pop out. If a runner advances on the fly out, you would put an SF in front of the position recording the out to note that.
If a player reaches base by error, you will want to note the the position of the player who committed the error, with E and their position number. As well, you will want to note the number of bases reached on the error. As well, a player might advance because of a throwing error, which would be marked by highlighting the base or bases advanced and E and position number of the player who committed the error.
Once the third out of an inning is recorded, you draw a line on the lower right corner of the box of the player who was at bat when the last out was recorded. As well, you can total up, runs, hits, errors and runners left on base, putting those in the corresponding boxes at the bottom of that inning’s column.
Scoring pitching
Pitching, while it might not be as complex as scoring hitting, can be rather difficult if a lot of detail is desired. Unlike the hitting page, this baseball score sheet does not break down pitching by inning, instead using plate appearance. In many cases, depending on the level of detail desired, some scorebooks will not include sections for detailed tracking of pitching.
For pitch tracking score sheets like ours, you have the option of even tracking the type of pitch thrown for each individual pitch. As long as you have a system to determine each pitch type thrown, you would mark each ball and strike and the pitch thrown. If that is a little too complex, you can tally off each ball and strike and note foul balls as needed. As well, each at bat has a result, which would be noted on the third line of each appearance. As mentioned above, you can use the abbreviations and shorthand like used on the batting section.
When a pitching change occurs, you could either opt to change to a new sheet for the pitcher, or put some sort of dividing line between the last batter faced by the previous pitcher and the new one. As well, you have spaces to tally wild pitches, stolen bases, balks, pick offs, runs and unearned runs at the bottom of the sheet. You can also total each line to determine how pitchers did against each individual batter.
Scoring Fielding
The fielding page, allows you to track putouts, assists and errors for each player. The best way to do this is to list each field player by position, and then put a tally mark for each putout, assist and error recorded. At the end of the game, you can count tally marks and quickly determine the number of each stat each fielder accrued.
Keeping score at a baseball game can be either a simple activity to provide statistics for parents, fans, coaches and media, necessary for your job as a broadcaster or media member or just a fun way to have a record of a game you attended. This printable baseball score sheet will enable you to cheaply and easily keep score at a baseball game.